Lake Conservation Committee...
The Growler Lake Conservation Committee was struck at the Growler Lake Property Owners Association's Annual General Meeting in October 2011. The Committee was mandated to provide direction and action to:
Committee Members
Chair: Jeanne Lafranier
Reid Rusonik Carol Brayman Alan Abelsohn Edwina Follows Brenda Leis Nancy Dickson Lake Plan...The Lake Conservation Committee was established to develop the Growler Lake Plan.
The Committee administered a survey in the spring of 2012 to determine what GLPOA members value about the lake, what attracted them to the lake in the first place, how they wish to enjoy the lake, and their willingness to take stewardship of the lake for future generations. Based on the findings of the survey, the Committee created a list of recommendations that were presented and discussed at the Annual General Meeting in October 2012. The Committee also provided a comprehensive package of reference materials for all property owners. At the 2013 Annual General Meeting, the Committee outlined their recommendations for the Lake Plan and motioned acceptance of a bylaw to restrict the use of motorized personal watercraft on Growler Lake. The Committee developed a final draft of the Lake Plan and associated Bylaw and presented them to GLPOA members at 2014 Annual General Meeting. In October 2015, the Plan was approved by the members of the GLPOA. The Committee continues its work, addressing the recommendations contained in the Plan. Accomplishments to date...